New Greek TV - ERT
Melina Chalkia is a freelance correspondent for New Greek TV - the first and only Greek-American TV channel in the United States that caters to the Greek Diaspora since 1975 and distributes to ERT - the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation.
Reporting live for Greek channel MEGA on Greece's
newly-elected left wing president
The 15th Annual Capital link Maritime Forum in New York,
interviewing experts from the shipping and trading industry
The 2023 NYC GRAND PARADE οn the occasion of the 202nd Anniversary of Greek Independence Day
Greek Foreign Minister speaks at the Harvard Club
in NYC during UN General Assembly 2023
NGTV Interviews Athenians after wildfires devastate
the country in 2023
Greek PM Kiriakos Mitsotakis tells NGTV about Greece's climate and migration agenda at the 2023 UN General Assembly
Greek Diaspora celebrates Christophoros Papakaliatis in New York Consulate event.
Article: "Maestro in Blue” travels to New York to celebrate Christophoros Papakaliatis